Herb Mattson, President and Owner, along with his wife,
Brenda as Secretary and Treasurer, have operated the Mattson
Seed Plant in the Colby Kansas area for over 22 years. In 1999,
the couple with their six children started their seed business with a
bare piece of ground and a commitment to provide the highest quality
certified seed and custom cleaning service available in
Northwest Kansas.
The family-owned business has thrived and grown over the
years to include four full time employees and seasonal help.
Herb is originally from Pine Bluffs, Wyoming where he took
over his parents’ farm in the late 1960’s. It was soon, after Herb saw
the need for a seed cleaning plant at Mattson Ranch Company
North of Pine Bluffs. The business has over 40 years of experience.
The industry experience that Herb would have personally includes many years of hands on experience. Memberships have been with the Kansas Crop Improvement Assn for the states of Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska. A member of Syngenta/AgriPro, Monsanto-WestBred, AgSeco, Limagrain, KWA, Watley Seed, CWRF/Plains Gold.
Mattson was one of the original founding members of the Kansas Wheat Alliance and past chairman for seven years; a member of Kansas Seed Industry; Kansas Wheat Growers Assn; Kansas Crop Improvement Assn, and Farm Bureau member. In 2011, Mattson Farms was honored to receive the Thomas County Family Farm Ag Award with Farm Bureau.
Herb and Brenda Mattson are members of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Colby. Herb was past Church President and serves as Elder. Brenda is Stewardship Board Director and Music Accompanist with various other church involvements.
Mattson Seed Farms
Colby, Kansas
7 miles west from Colby, KS on Hwy 24; 2 miles from I-70 Exit 45
Truck scales
High capacity USC Treater system
High speed over head loadout
State-of-the-Art Cleaner, Length Grader and Gravity Table
Certified Seed Sales
Mattson Ranch Company:
Pine Bluffs, Wyoming
10 miles North from Pine Bluffs, WY at 1872 County Road 162
Truck Scales
State-of-the-Art Cleaner, Length Grader and Gravity Table
Certified Seed Sales

Herb Mattson
Albert Kranz
Ranch Manager